Saturday, December 27, 2008

BLR Not Much Happening

Since I got home from visiting my Daughters in Toronto Canada, not much has happen with the BLR. I got sick and ended up in the hospital and got home the day before Christmas. Still unable to stand for any amount of time. Seeing the specialist on Dec 30th, hopefully they can figure out what is going on.Been watching a lot of trains running on YOUTUBE, not the same as running your own.Well lets hope that 2009 will be a better year health wise and I can get back to running trains on my layout

Take Care


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Returned from Trip

Well I am back from my trip to see my grand daughter and I had a wonderful time. My friend in Fredricton has installed the decorder and sound system in my SD70 Mac and does it ever sound great. The weekend after I got back I attended a train show in Dartmouth NS. Not much G scale, but I was able to pick up a USA Trains container car with two containers. This car will run behind my SD70Mac when I set it up again in the spring on my patio.We just had two snow storms within 3 day, looks nice out there,but that enough for now. Have decorations up on the patio. Glad I did this about a week before the snows came. Sure save a lot of misery. Well take care for now .

Monday, October 13, 2008

SD70MAC-BNSF Running on layout

Well I just got back from spending three day with a friend in NB Canada. He has a large G scale indoor layout with 10ft radius curves, so I was finally able to run my USA Trains SD70MAC. Man did it ever look great teamed up with a Geep 38 and Geep 30 pulling a large amount of freight cars. I took some pictures with my diesel teamed up with his two dash 9's also. I left the SD70MAC with him to install a decoder and also sound. I cannot wait to get it back to hear the sound it will produce. Well I am off to Ontario Canada to visit my granddaughter for two weeks and I am taking the train, my last trip by train was in 2000. Bye for now

Saturday, September 6, 2008

BLR Taking up track on Patio

Well we have tropical storm Hanna approaching this evening, so I went out and removed the track that I have laid down on the patio to run my SD70MAC. I was afraid that the wind would lift the track and send it flying into outer space and hitting someone down below. I will not be putting the track back after the storm because this summer has been wet and rainy. Now we are into September and the temperatures will be dropping and it will not be very pleasant sitting out on the patio. Lets hope that we have better weather next summer. I still have my indoor layout to have fun with. So take care for now.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Running of SD 70MAC

I got to run my SD70MAC yesterday at my friends cottage. He is about two hours away from where I live. When I let home it was raining cats & dogs. I though for sure that we would be spending the whole time in his cottage just talking about trains. When I got about 40 kilometers out of Halifax the rain began to stop and by the time that I got to Truro NS it was clear and by the time I got to his cottage at Parrsbor NS an hour later it was sunny. It stayed sunny all day while back in Halifax where I left they had rain most of the day until late afternoon. We got the SD70MAC up and running but it would not take the first curve for he has R1 curves so I asked him if he had any R2 curves and he got some and we made some changes to the curve with the new sections. They were still tight but the locomotive took them. These changes to his track allow us to run this big diesel. We could not attach any cars to it for when it took the curves the body swung out so far that it caused the attached cars to be pulled right of the tracks. The diesel was able with a bit of effort to get through the curves and we were able to run her the rest of the day. It sure was nice to see it run for I have not been able to run it on my home layout because I have all R1 curves at home. It sure made for a great day even though we only watched the diesel run by itself all day. Who cares it was the fun and enjoyment that we got watching it run. Take Care.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


BIG little RAILWAY Slow going

Well things have been slow on the BLR over the summer, where this is a Indoor layout and with the beautiful weather we are having I am spending a lot of time outdoors. I do run my SD70MAC on the straight track that I have set up on my patio, when I am sitting back enjoying the sunshine. However probably in a week or so I will get the chance to run my MAC on one of my friends layout outdoors. He is at his cottage and has track set up there that can probably handle the large curves that are need to make this sucker turn. I am really looking forward to see the MAC run on a full layout. Man I cannot wait. This locomotive is so beautiful just sitting there, however running is going to be a total new experience. Lets get rolling

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Movie Picture Videos

I just recently made two Picture Videos of my layout. One video has 58 pictures of scenes on my train layout with Willie Nelson singing On The Road Again,no matter if you pay it on the computer,small TV or large screen the pictures fill the whole screen and fade in and out to the music. It sure beats handing 58 pictures to someone and asking them to take a look at then and as you know by half way through they are just flipping them over. The Picture video keeps them interested. I have also made my second Picture Video (60 Pictures) with KC and The Sunshine Band singing That's The Way I Like It, it also turned out great. This has opened up a whole new way of presenting you Model Train Layout. I Love it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

BLR - Accessories

Well since it looks like LGB will not be selling anything new in the USA or Canada for possiably another four years or more. Also LGB parts are running out (if not already) I went to my local Hobby shop today and bought LGB bulbs for my locomotives, gear lubricant, wire connectors from transformer to track, insulator joiners and a track cleaning block. Got a great deal on these LGB products. I am now running my USA Trains SD 70Mac with the Sclair centre flow hopper and a Santa Fe Tank car on the 32 ft of straight track that I have set up on my patio. Train cannot run on my indoor (apartment) layout because I only have 2 ft radius curves and the MAC takes at least a 5ft radius curves. But at least I get to run it back and forth. Ran it the other night in the dark WOW the LED lights were fantastic. Take care for now

Friday, June 20, 2008

BLR new Equipment

Well since New LGB products are no longer being sold in North America, I decided to pick up a few things before everything was gone. I picked up the Sclair centre flow hopper, Santa Fe Tank car. I cannot run these on my indoor layout,but I have a USA Trains SD70Mac BNSF (WOW). I run them on my 50 ft patio back and forth sure looks beautiful. I also picked up a WP&YR Combine car. I am thinking about making it into a Railbus if I can find the right front for it. That will be a project for the fall and winter. I sure hope that Marklin don't wait to long to get back into the North American market or they will lose most of the loyal LGB fans to other manufactures. I guess its a decision that they will have to live with. With that note take care

Friday, May 23, 2008

MFMR Convention - Amherst NS Canada

Just got time to say that myself and two friends went to the Train show in Amherst NS, Canada on the 17 th of May. I wasn't expecting to much due to this show being held in a motel. But I must say that it turned out to be a great show, lots of dealers and train layouts were present. Mostly N.HO and O scale. I am in G scale nothing there for me. But I had a great time talking to all my train buddies that I haven't seen for a least a year. All in all a great show and the organizers get thumbs up from me. THANK GUYS AND GALS.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Ran my USA Trains speeder on my layout to day, it looks great. It sits just to the left of the Workman's hut on its own track when not in use. USA Trains sure did a great job on this one, I really like it.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Speeder

Well just arrive back from a trip from Toronto and I bought a new USA Trains Speeder for my layout. It sure looks great. On the way back in Fredericton NB I picked up three locomotives that were having DMS (LGB) decoders being put into them by a fellow G Scale friend. Cannot wait to get things running again. Trains not running for a month. How could I. Well I better get unpacking so that I can get those trains running.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Forneys & Diesel Switcher get MTS

Well today my layout has all of its LGB locomotives converted to MTS, I had the decorders put into the locomotives by a very close friend, and I thank him very much for doing this. The decorder that was put into the Diesel switcher was quite easy. But putting the decorders into the Forneys was a major job. He sent me pictures and they looked like jig saw puzzels. I will have them shortly and am looking forward to running them. Down the road I plan on putting a decorder with sound in my USA Trains SD70MAC. I cannot wait to hear it run. Well its -11 degrees here in Halifax, NS and clear, with a forecast of snow for this evening. Not to worry I can still run my train no matter what the weather ( Indoor Layout )

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ground Hog Day

Well here it was overcast and cloudy and the ground hog didn't see his shadow. So I guess that we are in for another six weeks of winter. This winter has been the worst in ten years here in Nova Scotia, about every second day we have had snow. But because I have an indoor G scale layout , it is no problem, I am able to run my trains daily no matter what the weather is and that is a great advantage over having a G Scale layout out doors. I guess I will go and run some trains, talk with you later.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Friday visit to the BLR

Matt and I were down by the rail yard this morning , while we were standing by the yard crew station house. You guessed it D&RGW locomotive # 251 a Forney arrived at the station with the morning passenger service to Kensville. We watched the passengers get off the train and a new group of passengers get on. The train was only there for about 5 minutes and it was off to it destination. We walk up to the Big little Railway locomotive # 257 that was sitting on a siding getting up steam, getting ready to go and pick up three empty log cars and six full ones to be taken to Billsville. The engineer started the engine moving,we stood there watching the train being made up. Shortly thereafter the engine gradually pulled away with its load. As the engine passed us we waved to the engineer,then we made our way across the tracks to the station. We went to the snack bar and settled down for coffee and donuts and waited to see what else would be happening around the station that morning.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Farm Concert

I was walking down by the rail yard this morning and it was a bright and sunny day. In the distance you could here music playing , so I wonder off in the direction of the music to see what was going on. As I approached the little farm house by the tracks you could see a group of people sitting on benches and in front of them playing was a three piece band. The people sitting were shouting and singing along with them. Everybody seamed to be having a great time. Behind the band sat two older gentlemen playing checkers while their dog slept at there feet. A little girl was just coming down the steps of the house, while her mother was working in the garden. Along side of the house were an old 57 Chev car and a old pickup truck and in front of the pick up truck was a vintage fire truck.

Over in the far corner of the yard were two bulls watching the goings on, in the distance you could here the 3:15 passenger train approaching, I ran down to the fence at the side of the railroad tracks and sat on a large boulder and waited for the train to approach, It didn't disappoint me,for it was a big steam locomotive pulling a baggage car, passenger car and a combine car, as the train passed bye, I waved at the passengers on the train and some waved back to me. Well the train has gone off into the distance and I could here the engine blow for the crossing at Melville. Looking at my watch and realized that it was getting late and I'd better get home for supper, jumping up and beginning to hum " I've been working on the railroad ".I began skipping along the path by the tracks and headed home. Take care see you later.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Layout Change

I have removed the wye from the layout today. The main reason was that I was not using it very much, so by removing it, it has allowed me to have two more siding for rolling stock. One of the sidings can hold up to five cars and the other will hold two. Oh Boy where is the nearest Hobby Shop. It also allows me to display my BNSF SD70MAC a lot better, because I can now display it on the front siding so you can see it as you come into the train room. Where it was before was on a siding behind the station and in order to see it you had to remove all the passenger cars and freight car from there sidings. A real good change for the better. A new layout diagram while be published shortly.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


My name is Gary and I am taking a walk down by the tracks on the BIG little Railway. Here it is Sunday morning and it is cloudy . Things are being to happen, people are waiting to board the 11:00am local passenger train due in shortly. I can see a young mother with two children, a workman carrying his tool box and several other workmen going about their duties prior to the train arriving . I can now here the train blowing for the station, the children are getting excited as the train approaches. The train has arrived and everybody boards its. The engineer gives two blasts of the whistle and the train begins to put away slowly and disappears in the distance taking passengers to far away destinations. Maybe I will come down to the station tomorrow and I will get to see more things going on as it will be a normal workday.

Equipment on the BLR

The BIG little Railway consists of 6 locomotives (1) D&RGW 2-6-0 Mogul, (2) D&RGW Forney's, 1 D&RGW Diesel Switcher. Rolling stock consists of a D&RGW Combine car, Baggage car and passenger car. Freight cars consists of a Box, Refrigerator, Gondola, 6 loaded Log Cars, three empty Log cars and small caboose. All of the above are LGB Products. I also have added the Beckmann (Spectrum) Rail Truck and a USA Trains SD70MAC BNSF 9838 (for show only-obviously to large to run)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ground Cover & Scenery

The ground cover of the layout is loose kitty litter (unscented) with Woodland Scenic materials used to complement the ground scenery. Having the scenery this way, allows me to just sweep everything up and put it into bags, if I have to move the layout. Tree are artificial. Fir trees bought from craft stores, real boulders were used where possible. Nothing on the layout is glued or nailed down except for the track.. By using trees and rocks I was able to block some of the view plains and give the illusion that the trains was not just running around circles.


With several design changes and countless hours of tearing my hair out, I was able to come up with a suitable and acceptable layout. The layout is basically an oval with eight small spurs. One at the first curve leading to the coaling station and water tower, another to the locomotive shed that houses two locomotives. One off the main line leading to two holding tracks for passenger cars and continuing on to two other sidings to handle extra rolling stock. Three new spurs (Second Yard ) have been added just in front of the sation to handle rolling stock Three switches were added to creat a wye on the right side of the layout to allow locomotives to turn around.


The name of the Railway comes from the size of the Trains (122.5 G Scale)being used and the size of the room ( 11ft x 17ft ) in which they are in.