Friday, December 24, 2010


Well here we are another Xmas season. Just set up my LGB 2-4-0 Xmas Train. I put it on the layout this year, for we didn't put the large tree up this year. We only put up a small tree on one of the end tables in the living room. Spent the morning of Xmas eve at the Childrens Hospital in Halifax, NS Canada runnning trains. This layout has been there for 15 years now and it is well accepted by the community. We get lots of visitors daily. Really surprise today Xmas eve at the number of children that visited the layout. Sorry for not posting for a while, had some health problems and was not to active in my hobby. Have another MRI scheduled for the New Year, to see what if anything can be done to solve my latest problems with my back. All ready had two operations in the last year. Well so much for my problems. I would like to wish everybody a MERRY CHRISTMAS OR HAPPY HOLIDAYS which ever
applies to you. Take Care.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sad Day

One of my railway buddies passed away last Friday of a massive heart attack. He wasn't sick or had any warning. We have been meeting the third Friday of every month for lunch with our wives. That was just two weeks ago and we were looking forward to getting together at the Truro Railway Show this weekend. The group are members of the graduating class from high school and any members in the area that were available met for lunch on the third Friday, which we have been doing since graduating in 1960. He also was a member of the MFMR which I belonged and we keep in touch through model railroading. David you will be a great loss to the community and your friends from High School and fellow Model Railroaders. Sure will miss you at the Truro Show this weekend.


Monday, September 6, 2010


Well everthing went fine at my apartment, Halifax itself received major damage over 100,000 home without power and lots of damage to trees, some homes. The hurricaine lasted about six hours. We were on the back side of the building and didn't get the direct force of the winds. It ended up that I didn't have to take up my track from the padio after all. It was amazing for just after the storm went through it was calm and warm just like any other summer day hard to believe a hurricane had just gone by two hours before. Mother Nature is sure something else.


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well here it is Thursday Sept 2nd and we are expecting Hurricane EARL early Saturday morning. Tomorrow I will have to take up the track on the patio, so that the high winds don't blow it off and send it flying down to the street 5 stories below. Can you imagion somebody walking along and seeing a 5 foot long section of track flying by, let alone hit them. Better to be safe then sorry. Not much happening, got to run my F7's and my SD70MAC for a few weeks this summer, we have been very busy and haven't had to much time for running trains. Well lets hope that we survive this Hurricane with very little damage. Temperatures all week have been in the high 30 degree celsius range with the humidex in the 40's.

Take Care Gary

Saturday, July 17, 2010

SD70MAC Visits the Wynn Castle RailRoad

On July 16th my BNSF SD70MAC found its way to Jason Brown's Wynn Castle Railroad about 20 minutes drive from my house. This garden railroad is a jewel,not over powering and not understated,just right. From the time that my diesel was placed on the railroad it looked in place and made friends with his K27 that was running on the Layout when I arrived. Met Jasons father Dennis who was visiting from Chatham Ontario. Dennis and Jason had done quite a bit of work on the garden railroad this week and their efforts have sure paid off. I was very impressed with the layout. The only problem was that the time spent with Jason and Dennis went to quickly, before I new it I had to leave, for I promised my wife that I would cook supper. An Excellant price to pay for having so much fun running trains in an outdoor garden. Jason THANK YOU for iviting me to your layout. Hope to visit again soon

Friday, July 2, 2010


Well not much has happen with the Railway since the last time I reported in. The SD70MAC has been set up on the patio for its first run of 2010. Haven't run it very much due to the weather not being to good. It is either raining or when it is sunny the wind is cold mainly due because it is from the north. Crazy year for weather this year so far. My back is coming along fine, saw the Doctor on June 25th and things look good. Will see him again in Nov. Bought some LGB track from a friend that no longer runs G Scale. Been looking at the USA Trains J1 Hudson, only one word can describe it "BEAUTIFUL", now all I have to do is try and save up the money to get it.

Take Care


Friday, April 30, 2010


Yesterday I picked up my other two Aristro-Craft Eggliners that I had ordered last month. Yes the Bumble Bee and the Lady Bug fit in nicely with the Monarch Butterfly Egglineer that arrived two weeks ago. I also picked up the Aristro-Craft Watch Tower and it is now on the BLR, a welcome addition. So the Egglineers have offically invaded the BLR. These Egglineers allow me to have a relaxed moment once and awhile and my grand daughter will certainly enjoy them. Because I had to place the Watch Tower in and area that I hadn't originally planned, it has change the look of the layout. I also move one of the rail huts to a different location and one of the boulders with a man video taping the action on the BLR to another location and I got rid of another boulder that was in the middle of the layout just before the yard area behind the station. Well this all for now see you later


Sunday, April 4, 2010


The Monarch Butterfly Eggliner has arrive and did it first run on the BLR. It was as good as I expected. My grand daughter sure is going to love the Eggliner. The Bumble Bee Eggliner and the Aristo-craft Watch tower should be here sometime next week. I was unable to get the Ladybug Eggliner. Maybe at a later date. I plan to be in Toronto Region near the end of May and I hope to visit AC Trains in Burlington and also attend the Burlington Model Railway Club Show on the 29 of May. Not to many G Gauge shows in the Maritimes. The Moncton Model Railway Group has an excellent G Gauge Module, they don't show it very much. Probably mainly due to space requirements at the shows

Take Care


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well the Olympics are over and Canada did quite well. The Canadian Brier has just started this week in Halifax,NS. I just dropped into my local hobby shop and ordered 3 Aristo-Craft Egg Liners (Lady Bug, Bumble Bee and the Butterfly) They look really cute and should entertain my grand daughter when she comes to visit. The wife likes the Lady Bug. Cannot wait to get them in a couple of weeks and get them running around my layout. Not much else happening these days so I will say good bye for now and will let you know when the Egg Liners arrive.

Take Care


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

BLR Things Coming Along Slowly

Its been almost two months since my last entry. I had some problems since my last operation. So I havn't done to much on my railway. Still having a lot of pain in my right leg. Will be seeing the Doc. 1st part of April to see how successfull this operation was. Now into watching the Olympics, Canada is doing okey. Sure nice to see them get there first gold metal on home soil. Really sad that the Luge racer got killed, sure put a damper on the games. Overall the games look to be very successfull.

Take Care for now
