Friday, April 30, 2010


Yesterday I picked up my other two Aristro-Craft Eggliners that I had ordered last month. Yes the Bumble Bee and the Lady Bug fit in nicely with the Monarch Butterfly Egglineer that arrived two weeks ago. I also picked up the Aristro-Craft Watch Tower and it is now on the BLR, a welcome addition. So the Egglineers have offically invaded the BLR. These Egglineers allow me to have a relaxed moment once and awhile and my grand daughter will certainly enjoy them. Because I had to place the Watch Tower in and area that I hadn't originally planned, it has change the look of the layout. I also move one of the rail huts to a different location and one of the boulders with a man video taping the action on the BLR to another location and I got rid of another boulder that was in the middle of the layout just before the yard area behind the station. Well this all for now see you later


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